We are proud to partner with New Amsterdam Genomics to provide the most cutting edge genetic testing.
We analyze all 22,000 of your genes. Older tests, such as 23andMe, did what is called genotyping, which is looking at your DNA in just a few discrete places. Our approach provides a much broader view of your genome, and can even reveal rare mutations you may have.
After we scan all 22,000 genes of your DNA and cross-reference them with more than 100,000 health-related findings. Whether you are healthy or sick, our test can potentially teach you valuable things about your health.
Cancer Screening:
We have identified which cancers people are at highest risk for, based on their DNA. This can direct the type of screening a person receives, meaning cancer may be caught earlier and may be easier to treat.
Cardiac Screening
We have identified patients who have rare cardiac defects. This is extraordinary, because these people may have been at risk for effects as serious as sudden cardiac death, but with help from a cardiologist, they can potentially avoid this fate and live longer.
Rare Diseases:
We have identified numerous rare diseases in patients. Approximately 10% of Americans have a rare disease, and most rare diseases are not life threatening, so you should not fear learning you might have one. Knowing that you have something rare can answer a lot of questions about your health, and it can help your doctors manage your health better.
Chronic Diseases:
We can find the genetic basis of all sorts of chronic diseases including diabetes, asthma, eczema, multiple sclerosis, and more. (However, genetics does not cause every disease, and some cases of disease are caused despite a person's genomics.)
Medication Selection:
For every person who gets tested, we analyze their Cytochrome P450 genes along with many other genes to predict which medicines will work best for them. We can even in some cases determine ideal dosings for medicines.
Diet Selection:
Have you ever wondered why certain diets work better for some people than others? There is exciting research going on right now that compares how people perform on different diets, based on variations in their DNA. We have used these studies to recommend specific diets for people. A few options include the saturated fat diet (similar to Atkins); the monounsaturated fat diet (Mediterranean diet); and the high carbohydrate, low fat diet.
Carrier Status:
The average person carries multiple diseases in their DNA that they do not express themselves. (These diseases are called "recessive.") The only potential problem is if the person's partner has the same recessive disease, the couple's children are at risk of becoming afflicted. Which recessive diseases do you carry?